
2021.10.22 中国矿业报   


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  Since last year, the world has undergone profound changes unseen in a century, and the COVID-19 pandemic is widespread and intertwined worldwide. People of all countries are more eager for peaceful development and more determined to pursue win-win cooperation. Facing the new era, we must make a historical choice.

  The 2021 China Mining Conference & Exhibition is coming under such a background.

  This Conference has been successfully held for 22 consecutive sessions Since 1999, with features of strong confidence, consensus building, courage to change and innovation ability, and has become one of the largest and most influential mining exhibitions in the world. It covers the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration, technology and equipment, investment and finance, and service trade,etc. It has become a barometer and vane of the mining market and industry development trend, and an important platform to effectively promote the prosperity and sustainable development of the international mining industry.

  The new round of scientific and technological revolution, industrial transformation and digital economy booming have given the mining industry opportunities for reform and breakthrough. Mode innovation, technological innovation and service innovation are leading the mining industry to transform and upgrade to the direction of "Green, Safe, Harmonious, Intelligent and Efficient". Through the China Mining Conference & Exhibition as a communication platform, the power of innovation will promote the global mining cooperation to a new stage of development and produce a new development model.

  In recent years, China has undergone major changes in its development concept and made significant progress in striking a balance between conservation and development, as well as between man and nature. People have become more aware of ideas such as “clear waters and green mountains are as valuable as mountains of gold and silver”,and conserving resources and protecting the environment. Major restructuring took place in the management system of resources and the environment, and orderly progress was made in the reform of the natural resources property right system and the system of paid use of natural resources assets owned by the whole people. The utilization of resources has been steadily improved, major indicators such as mineral exploitation recovery rate and mineral processing recovery rate have been significantly improved, the scale and intensification of mines have been enhanced, and a total of 1,254 green mines have been built. We strengthened geological prospecting in poor areas in the central and western China, discovered a number of mineral resource areas, and made breakthroughs in key technologies for resource conservation and intensive and comprehensive utilization. We supported the green and high-quality development of mining industry, and encouraged poor people find jobs nearby, stabilize their posts, and increase their incomes.

  China vigorously promotes scientific and technological innovation in the mining sector, speeds up the construction of digitalized, intelligent, informationized and automated mines, upgrades the basic capacity of mine intellectualization, and improves the level of mine intellectualization technology and equipment. "5G+ Industrial Internet" has shown huge market space and strong development potential in the mining industry. It has more than 100 products covering mining area information infrastructure construction, safety monitoring and management, production process control,etc. in ten typical application scenarios such as remote equipment control, machine vision quality inspection, equipment fault diagnosis. At the same time, all sectors of the industry accelerated technological innovation to consolidate the industrial foundation.

  China is a staunch defender, contributor and beneficiary of economic globalization, the world's largest producer, consumer and trader of minerals. Mining industry is one of the main industries of China's foreign direct investment, and has made great contributions to maintaining the stability of the global mineral industry chain and promoting the economic development and improvement of people's livelihood in relevant countries and regions. Meanwhile, China has also contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the better development of the mining industry.

  At present, the epidemic is still raging around the world, human society has been profoundly changed, the road of mining cooperation and progress is not smooth. The latest World Economic Outlook predicts that the global economy will grow by 5.9% in 2021, with a decrease of 0.1 percentage point compared to the forecastits in July. The divergence of short-term economic trends of various countries will have a lasting impact on medium-term economic performance, and the huge gap caused by the epidemic seem likely to last longer.

  With the theme of "Multilateral cooperation—for development and prosperity of post pandemic era", The 2021 China Mining Conference & Exhibition hopes to offset rising uncertainties of global economic recovery with the certainty of international cooperation in mining.

  In fact, The mining industry had already shown a resilient recovery. In the first half of this year, global mineral exploration business keep prosperity, and annual budgets for oil and gas and solid mineral exploration are expected to stabilize and rebound. The number of solid mineral drilling projects and the total number of drilling holes in the world increased significantly. The financing volume and price of solid mineral project both increased, while the number of mergers and acquisitions is down but the price is up. The financing, mergers and acquisitions of bulk mineral, strategic emerging mineral project showed a doubling upward trend. Chinese mining companies performed well, due to frequent mergers and acquisitions.

  China's economy is the first to recover and continues to recover steadily, which drives the recovery of China's mining industry and gives hope to the recovery of world mining industry. We believe that this hope may become a reality at this year's Mining conference.

  On the basis of last year, the organizers of the conference launched an online service system with "China Mining Conference & Exhibition Cloud Platform" as the core. All the activities of this conference, including the opening ceremony, forum, national promotion and online exhibition, will be streamed live to the world through the platform, and the contents will be retained for a long time and can be submitted and updated at any time. The cloud platform provides a "never ending" publicity channel, display platform and communication channel for domestic and foreign mining industry.

  Those who share the same vision will not regard mountains and seas apart as far apart.We hope to work together with our international counterparts to make China Mining Conference & Exhibition more internationalized, market-oriented and standardized, and open up new prospects for the development of economic globalization.



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