
2023.10.26 中国矿业报   


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  如今,中国矿山生态修复虽面临历史欠账多、治理投入不足等难题,但仍在持续推进并取得阶段性成果。在《全国重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程总体规划(2021-2035 年)》的6 个专项规划中布局了矿山生态修复重点工程。持续探索构建市场化机制,在生物多样性保护公约COP15大会上发布矿山生态修复典型案例。







  The theme of the 2023 (25th) China Mining Conference and Exhibition is “Innovation Promotes High-Quality Development of Mining”. With Mining as the medium, let’s meet in Tianjin again.

  At present, the global economic recovery is still slow and uneven, and the trend towards polarization of the world is growing. China's economy is facing new difficulties and challenges: insufficient domestic demand, difficulties in some enterprises operation, hidden risks in key areas, and complex and severe external environment. However, China's economy has great development resilience and potential, and the long-term good fundamentals have not been changed. The latest World Economic Outlook Report released by The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that global economic growth will decrease from 3.5% in 2022 to 3.0% in 2023 and 2.9% in 2024, both of which are below the historical (2000-2019) average growth of 3.8%. China's economic growth is expected to be 5% for this year and 4.2% for next year, respectively.

  Today's world rises or falls together, therefore, building a community with a shared future for mankind is the future of whole world. There is no country in the world which can be self-sufficiency in mineral resources. It is a common practice for countries around the world to allocate required resources scientifically. In the future, the development of the global mining market will have some imbalances and uncertainties. The expected economic downturn, the energy and food crisis, the intensified geopolitical contest and the bounded and allied mineral resources industry chain and supply chain will lead to the rise of the risk of anti-globalization and rapid contraction. Consequently, it is imperative to build a community of shared future in the mining industry and achieve win-win cooperation.

  Mencius said: Joy shared with others are more enjoyed. In the face of the current slow global economic recovery, China's solutions are expanding opening up and win-win cooperation. According to the white paper "Building the Belt and Road: Major Practices in Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" released by the State Council Information Office on October 10th, until the end of June 2023, China has signed production capacity cooperation documents with more than 40 countries, and the China Mining Conference and Exhibition and the China-ASEAN Mining Cooperation Forum have become important platforms for mining capacity cooperation among countries that jointly build the "Belt and Road".

  The China Mining Conference and Exhibition, which was begun in 1999, is guided by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China and hosted by the China Mining Association. Now it has been one of the largest and most influential mining exhibitions in the world. The conference covers the whole mining industry chain such as geological survey, exploration and mining, smelting and processing, technology and equipment, mining rights transaction, trade and investment, and support services. Over the past 24 years, the China Mining Conference and Exhibition has witnessed the vicissitudes and volatility of the global mining industry, and has become an important bellwether for the global mining industry development.

  In addition to provide energy and resources for the economic and social development, the high-quality development of mining has attracted more and more attention. This year's conference focuses on promoting exchanges and cooperation between Chinese enterprises and the international mining industry. In particular, an entrepreneur dialogue program is set up in this conference, aiming to encourage participants to share the achievements and experience of cooperation between Chinese enterprises and foreign enterprises. The conference will build a platform for telling China's story well, which helps the world to know a true, credible and responsible China, and see the great achievements and bright prospects of China's mining industry in promoting high-quality development.

  Today, China's green exploration and development has become a requirement for producing mines and a threshold for new mines. Green exploration and green mine construction, experiencing from initiative to pilot and then to upper and lower linkage, have finally become an important platform and vivid practice to promote the ecological civilization construction in the mining field.

  Today, China's mine ecological restoration is continuously promoted and achieves phased results despite some problems such as historical legacies and insufficient investment. In the six special plannings of the Master Plan for the Protection and Restoration of National Important Ecosystems (2021-2035), key projects for mine ecological restoration are laid out. China continued to explore the establishment of market-base mechanisms, and issued typical cases of mine ecological restoration at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.

  Today, China's intelligent mine construction is showing an accelerated and comprehensive development trend. New mining formats are constantly emerging. At present, there are 730 coal mines with 1,400 intelligent working faces in China, accounting for 59.5% of the production capacity.

  Today, China's mining industry opening up policy is constantly releasing. In the annual Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for Foreign Investment Access unveiled in recent years, the access policy for foreign investment in mining has been continuously relaxed. The Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for Foreign Investment Access (2019 Edition) lifted the restriction on joint ventures and cooperation in oil and gas exploration and development, and removed the prohibition on foreign investment in molybdenum, tin, antimony and fluorite exploration and mining.

  Today, China's mining cooperation scope with foreign countries is constantly expanding, and the fields are constantly broadening. The scale of outward investment of China's mining industry remained stable. At the end of 2022, the mining industry's outward direct investment amounted to US\$210.13 billion, mainly in the fields of oil and gas extraction, non-ferrous metal ore mining and beneficiation, ferrous metal ore mining and beneficiation, coal mining and washing. Now, It is one of the six major industries with a stock scale of hundred billions of US dollars.

  Today, Chinese mining enterprises are more rational and responsible for international mining cooperation. Chinese mining enterprises are more green, open and transparent in "going global". These enterprises paid attention to establishing China's image in the world, and paid attention to the combination of globalization and localization in management and operation.

  At present, our world, our times and history are changing in ways like never before, and there is still a long way to go to achieve universal security and common development. From this new starting point, the global mining industry is confronted with both important opportunities and an increasingly complex international environment. By unwaveringly promoting the high-quality development of the mining industry and build a green, safe, harmonious, intelligent and efficient mining, we will definitely be able to make new and greater contributions to realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future in mining.



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